Industrial packaging

Bags for industrial market

We offer designing and printing service for industrial packaging needs.

Demande d'information


Plain and non-printed bags (plain master stock)

Bags usually transparent or white

Bags that can be holed


Here are the different types of flexible plain plastic packaging that we produce for the industrial market:

Formats standards

Wood ignition bags12 x 6 x 19
12 x 6 x 30
25 lbs plain bags with holes (master)10 x 5 x 32
50 lb plain bags with holes for carrots, turnips11 x 7 x 38
50 lbs printed cabbage bags without name13 x 6 x 42
14 x 6 x 42
10/5 lbs and 24/2 lb plain bags with holes12 x 8 x 38
13 x 8 x 38

Demande d'informations